What We Offer

We offer different types of aggregates and stone for a variety of purposes. We promise on-time delivery to any location in the northern part of the continent.


Providing service to others is the source of true happiness.

From country roads to super highways, site and from small masonry buildings to high rises and sky scrapers, aggregates such as crushed stone, sand and gravel are vastly used in almost any kind of construction project. They provide solid base material for road construction, are the main ingredients in asphalt and concrete, are used as drainage and fill material, and are also used in diverse applications such as walkways, parking lots, airport runways, golf courses, beaches, playing-field surfaces, horse racing tracks and landscaping.

Green Dream supplies and delivers a full range of construction aggregate material. Our products range includes fine sand with grain size of 0.08 mm, up to crushed stone at 80 mm grain size. All our products are locally produces from the best quality stone and earth material, tested and guaranteed for quality and compliance with state and federal construction materials standards.

Asides from aggregates, Green Dream provides larger size crushed rock and stone. These products can be composed of limestone, granite, trap rock or any other hard, durable rock. After blasting the rocks, they are crushed and then screened it to various sizes at the site in fixed or mobile plants.

Green Dream has supplied government customers such as US Army Corps of Engineers with 7 ton rocks for river bed covering and bank entrenchment. We have also supplied ballast, which is produced from natural deposits of granite, trap rock, quartzite, dolomite or limestone, for railroad track construction and rehabilitation.

We take pride in delivering quality material

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